Priorities Committee Meeting

Minutes – March 8, 2006

School Administration Building – 7:30 P.M.


Members Present:  Donald Gilligan, School Committee; Charles Goodman, Finance

                               Committee, Chairman; David Grasfield, Selectman; Ira Miller,

                               Finance Committee; Andrew Nebenzahl, School Committee; Walter

                               Joe Roach, Selectman; (Hamilton)


Other Attendees:  Chief Joseph Bernstein, Linda Callan, Barbara Dunham, Lynette Hardy, Bill Heitin, Claire Jackson, Abigail Marsters, Barbra Nadler, Ben Puritz, Rob Uyttebroek


1.      This is the 6th meeting of the FY ’07 Priorities Committee.


2.      A MOTION was made by Don Gilligan and SECONDED by Joe Roach to approve the minutes of December 22, 2005.


3.      VOTED:  6-0-0 to approve the minutes.


4.      A MOTION was made by Joe Roach and SECONDED by David Grasfield to approve the minutes of January 5, 2006.


5.      VOTED:  6-0-0 to approve the minutes.


6.      A MOTION was made by David Grasfield and SECONDED by Ira Miller to approve the minutes of January 19, 2006.


7.      VOTED:  6-0-0 to approve the minutes.


8.      A MOTION was made by Andy Nebenzahl and SECONDED by Joe Roach to approve the minutes of January 30, 2006.


9.      VOTED:  6-0-0 to approve the minutes.


10.  A MOTION was made by Andy Nebenzahl and SECONDED by Joe Roach to approve the minutes of February 16, 2006.


11.  VOTED:  6-0-0 to approve the minutes.


12.  The first item on the agenda was the use of school facilities for the Recreation Department.


13.  There was much discussion regarding the fees charged and the cost of the custodians to the Recreation Department and others in the town and non-residents.  After continued discussion, this item was tabled.


14.  The next item on the agenda was an update on the Revenue Forecast.


15.  There was discussion regarding not having any more information than they had on February 16.


16.  Ben Puritz stated that the numbers may not be available until the end of April or early May.


17.  Discussion was held regarding the ’07 budgets and what could be done to try to maintain the same level of services considering the increase in energy costs, health insurance, and collective bargaining issues..


18.  There was discussion regarding the reduction of school crossing guards, the custodian at the library, and the elimination of training and equipment repair in other budgets to keep the Selectmen’s sector budgets within a 2 ½% increase.  The School Department would need to cut 31 positions.


19.  Andy Nebenzahl stated that the School Committee is talking about an override to deliver the same level of services as this year.


20.  Chief Joseph Bernstein came to the meeting to explain reduction in crossing guards instead of an officer.  He felt it is the responsibility of the parents to get children to school.


21.  There was continued discussion on this topic.


22.  Abigail Marsters stated that the library does not care to make do with 2 ½%.  It will be materials.  We may lose our accreditation with the State.  We’re going to go forward with the same level of services as this year.


23.  There was discussion on what revenue each department could generate.


24.  The next item on the agenda was the Finance Director issue.


25.  There was discussion held on this item and also about consolidating the finance department.


26.  A MOTION was made by Andy Nebenzahl and SECONDED by Joe Roach to remove the $80,000 from the Revenue Forecast as a placeholder for a Finance Director from the meeting of February 5, 2006.


27.  VOTED:  3-3-0.  For:  Miller, Nebenzahl, Roach.  Against:  Gilligan, Goodman, Grasfield.  The placeholder stays.


28.  The vote for allocations will be at the next meeting.


29.  The next item on the agenda was town maintenance consolidation.


30.  There was discussion held on maintenance consolidation with suggestions on how to be more efficient and have savings.


31.  Andy Nebenzahl offered a compromise of the Finance Director.  He stated if RFP is in, we should be able to find the money in consolidated savings procurement idea, and he will ask for reconsideration regarding Finance Director at the next meeting.




33.  Chuck Goodman reported on municipal benchmarking.  The Lane Company does this on a fee basis.


34.  The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 29, 7:30 p.m.


35.  Ira Miller stated that the Warrant has to be mailed by April 20.


36.  It was MOVED and SECONDED to adjourn.


37.  VOTED:  6-0-0.


38.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m.